Technical Features

Eduis combines all the features needed to manage a primary and secondary school. A unique school information system that is fully adaptable to different types of schools.

Enabled on Cloud – SaaS Model

Low maintenance cost, secure and intelligent Cloud hosting platform data center Tier 4, Disaster Recovery, Backup.


Avoid data breaches, provide full data compliance and better data security. Multi-factor authentication.


A cost-effective solution, pay only for service, zero spendings on hardware.


(24/7/365, from anywhere, from any device, support)


For one or more schools, for private and public schools – at local or national level.

Easy to Use

No technical knowledge required, due to a user-friendly platform. Negligible time for implementation since the software is shared on cloud as a service.


Design the system according to your institution's needs. Fully customizable to meet your school needs.

Training & Support

24/7 customer support and comprehensive training provided by our experts at your own convenience.